
Sunday, July 19, 2009


Thanks to those of you who have stopped in to check out the blog, and to those of you who have signed up as followers. It's nice to know people are interested in my little world. My apologies for not updating much lately. Heres what's been going on....

I have scrapped my PC league for now because fantasy football is just around the corner, and i have been getting my USFL fantasy league organized. I took out a couple of last years teams, and added a couple in their place. Then i went through and figured out who the keepers would be. I like to run my fantasy league like real a real league, and that means i like to keep some sense of continuity on teams from one season to the next. Last year was the first year for my USFL league, because for 13 years before that, i had been the commisioner of the Virtual Football League, and i had no time to also run my dream league, which was the USFL. This league is a fantasy league that i run myself..... no other owners. I just stock the teams and let them go at it. If someone gets hurt, i replace with able bodies based on the teams record.... worst record, first served. Last year i kept a binder filled with all my documents, and each week i drew the week's MVP and put it all in the binder. This year, this blog will be my binder, and i will post scores, stories, picks, and drawings each week, so i hope you'll all follow and let me know how I'm doing.

I set up some lights and took some pictures of my USFL helmets to make a cover for my binder showing all of the teams this year.....and since this is my new "binder", here's the picture so you can see who's playing this year.

I also made a picture for the spine of the binder showing all the teams and uniforms.... yeah i know, silly, but i like to draw.

And, I got my standings board put together. custom gumball helmets... gotta love it:)

So anyway, that's where i'm at with all this right now. I'll be back soon with rosters and probably more drawings.... until then, cya


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