
Sunday, September 13, 2009


Well it's been an exciting kickoff weekend so far.... the game scores are a little more realistic this season so far, so i'm happy. One game is complete, another is decided as far as the winner is concerned, and the others are pretty close and should be down to the wire with Monday night's games. Here's how things stand as of right now:

Pittsburgh    19  (no players left)
Arizona        13 (Brady & Gates left to play)

Oakland     21  (Welker, NE defense)
Michigan    15  (Moss, Kaeding)

Los Angeles    58  (no players left)
Denver            35  (Owens)

Portland       36
Oklahoma    31  Final

Birmingham    39  (no players left)
Jacksonville    25  (Rivers)

Orlando        27  (no players left)
New Jersey    9   (Tomlinson)

Memphis       22  (Jackson SD, Gostowski)
Washington   18   (no players left)

Philadelphia    40  (no players left)
Tampa Bay    18  (San Diego Defense)

So as you can see, a couple could end up nail biters, while others have very little shot of being competitive at this point, but all in all a great start to a season. I'll be back tomorrow night to wrap up week 1.

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