
Saturday, March 13, 2010

USFL new league

    OK, so i'm going to get away from the Madden type leagues that i've been doing, and I've dug out my old FBPro98, which was more about the stats and record keeping. This should free me up to do a bit more art instead of just the screen caps of Madden. I'm going with the 1984 model, which had 18 teams. I am not going to program in all the real players like i've been doing though.... i decided it would be more fun to keep the players as named and then do my art based on the player and # versus just drawing the same old guys from the real league that i always do. I went though and drew all the USFL helmets using a helmet from an old pennant for my template, and then found an old pic of Franco Harris to create my fictional Houston Gambler Dino Snider.

So, without further ado, here is the week 1 recap:

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